Okanagan College Support Staff Collective Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview
The Okanagan College Support Staff Collective Agreement is an essential document that defines the terms of employment for support staff at Okanagan College. It outlines the roles and responsibilities, compensation, benefits, and working conditions of the college`s support staff.
It is important to note that the collective agreement is negotiated between Okanagan College and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), which represents the support staff. The agreement is valid for a fixed period, and both parties must adhere to its terms and conditions.
Roles and Responsibilities
The collective agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities of the support staff at Okanagan College. It acknowledges their contribution to the college`s success and emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration. It also provides guidelines on the duties, job descriptions, and performance expectations for each support staff position.
Compensation and Benefits
The collective agreement details the compensation and benefits package for support staff at Okanagan College. It defines the salary scales and wage rates for each position, including any applicable increases or adjustments. In addition, it outlines the eligibility criteria and enrollment procedures for various benefit plans, such as health, dental, and pension plans.
Working Conditions
The collective agreement outlines the working conditions for support staff at Okanagan College. It sets out the hours of work, scheduling, and provisions for overtime and shift work. It also provides guidelines on vacation time, sick leave, and other leaves of absence.
Grievance and Dispute Resolution
The collective agreement also contains provisions for resolving disputes and grievances between the college and support staff. It outlines the procedures for filing a grievance and the steps involved in resolving the dispute. Furthermore, it defines the role of the union and management in the grievance process.
In sum, the Okanagan College Support Staff Collective Agreement is a crucial document that defines the terms of employment for support staff at Okanagan College. It outlines the roles and responsibilities, compensation, benefits, and working conditions of the college`s support staff. It is essential for both the college and support staff to adhere to its provisions to ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship.